26 June 2018 Business Meeting
Canton of Buckston-on-Eno
Attending: Jack, Michelle, Aesa, Una, Tessa, Uberto, Bambi, Laura, Veronica
We will meet upstairs beginning next week and continuing while the building is undergoing renovation.
- Report to regional exchequer completed
- $4910.18 current balance
- The only upcoming expense is the $500 donation to James Wagner for Fall University in September
- The WoW 2017 meal plan surplus check (~$185), written to the Barony, has yet to clear. Written and in -person reminders follow-up queries have been made; if not cleared by one-year anniversary of being written, the check will be canceled out.
- The baby shower gift was an unallowable expense and funds will be returned to the account. Please bring donations to Tessa to offset her out of pocket expense.
- A draft of the Canton financial policy, incorporating any needed changes will be sent out for review and will be voted on at the next business meeting on 24 July 2018. The last review was May 2015.
Buckston Birthday 2018:
- Will likely have another walkthrough before the date; to include Feastocrat
and other stakeholders - Budget will be submitted at July business meeting
- Staffing:
- A&S: Michel – will be similar to last year’s Birthday
- Reservationist: Aesa
- Hall Steward: Laura
- Parking: TBD – we had some issues at this site the last time it was used
- Feast:Gaelan
- Server for High Table: Michele (Philomene)
- Marshal: Christoph
Tuesday night activities:
3 July: Movie night – The 13th Warrior (meeting upstairs!) 10 July: Intro to Belly Dancing
17 July: Fabric Dying
24 July: Buckston Business Meeting
31 July: Board Game Night