Buckston Business Meeting
27 Jan 202
via zoom
Attending:Ríoghnach, Una, Bambi, Anne, Caitrina, Aesa
Ríoghnach presented the new financial policy. Una motion, Caitrina seconded. Unanimously passed.
Excelsior Demo. Will only be cancelled if kingdom is closed. Go/no go is April 1st. Demo is April 23. Attilium ladies will come up and dance, combat and archery will be there.
Upcoming Events:
University is next weekend. YMIR and KASF are still on the books for the moment.
3 – Social
10 – Bring what you’re working on
17 – Buckston Birthday Brainstorming
24 – Business Meeting
Discussion of officer futures – Una would like to get a deputy. Anne said she’d be willing to train to be seneschal if we need.
Buckston Birthday 46
November 12th – Alice in Wonderland