24 October 2017
Business Meeting
Canton of Buckston-on-Eno
Attending: Tessa/Jan, Veronica, Aesa, Una/Suzanne, Uberto, Cicero, Brett, Gotcha, Carol McLamb, Paul McLamb and son(?), Wayne, Mark, Laura
Minutes Submitted by: Laura, Chronicler for Buckston-on-Eno
• Canton finances in good order
Buckston Birthday Celebration!
- Efforts continue to reach out to past Baronage and invite them to the celebration
- All announcements should highlight BURLINGTON – there is continuing confusion re: this year’s location
- We have the games from Brian
- Site opens at 10:00 AM
- We will plan to arrive at 07:30 AM
- Lunch will be 11:000-001:00
- ▪ Michelle, Brett and 2 others
- MoL: Uberto and Molena(?)
- WoW meal plan expected to pay for itself
- Any monies over costs for meal plan will go to the barony