Meeting Minutes – July 2021

Buckston Business Meeting
22 July 2021
Una, Caitrina, Ríoghnach, Aesa, Annais, Maria (Bambi), James, Sarah, Karl


  • From SCA Corporate: for events, do not pass out ribbons with respect to hugging/touch (red – yellow – green to indicate whether it’s okay to touch you.)
  • University is happening in Myrtle Beach, SC in person.

Baronial Meeting Notes

  • The SCA now has ‘permanent access’ to the Garner Lions Club, so it’s a place to keep in mind for events. They charge $60 a day for the facility, which is at least as big as Schley Grange Hall.
  • Fett is looking at having KASF in Pittsboro.
  • The next baronial event is a Live Steel event at Schley Grange Hall on Sept 4th.
  • The barony is still in search of an autocrat and staff for Ymir.
  • The September baronial meeting is September 12th (moved from the 19th due to University.)

November Event

  • Our ‘birthday’ event will be a social event with no calendar, no A&S. People can bring their own food. We will have a fire.
  • Venue option: Spruce Pine Lodge. It would be complicated because: alcohol at the event has a $250 charge, $50 application fee, no key in advance, and we’d have to have permits from ABC and security onsite.
  • Venue option: Optimist Farm. $200 deposit, $350 for the clubhouse, $150 cleaning / maintenance fee.
  • The event will be pre-registered only, with a cap of 50 people including staff.
  • One suggested name for the event: “The End of Decameron”, another “The Post-Pandemic Party”
  • We voted on having the event: Una proposed, Annais seconded, and it passed unanimously.
  • Registration will be open for the month of October.

Future Meetings

A movie to watch: Ladyhawke?
A&S suggestion for September – Viking Hood (by Bambi)

5th – SCA 101: Orientation (by Caitrina)
12th – Social
19th – Minimum Wastage Tunic (by Bambi)
26th – Business Meeting