Buckston Business Meeting
30 July 2020
Zoom meeting
Attending: Maria Beatriz la Mora (Bambi), Aesa, Una, Caitrina, Jennie, James
University of Atlantia is looking for class proposals.
Exchequer Business
The financial report for 2nd quarter was filed on time. No change in the balance since last month; $5,222.14.
Members present at the meeting, in their role as financial committee, reviewed the draft financial policy that Aesa drew up as exchequer. It is basically the same financial policy as we adopted in 2018, adapted to fit in the financial policy template we were directed to use by the Kingdom Exchequer. The financial committee voted unanimously to accept the draft and send it to the Kingdom Exchequer for her consideration [Motion: James, Seconded: Una, Vote: Passed Unanimously.]
The officer page is out of date on the website; Aesa will update it to be current. It was suggested on the Windmasters’ Hill Facebook page during pride month that an easy way to show inclusion to gender non-binary people is to include personal pronouns on the officer page of a group’s site. We discussed this; the officers, by and large, are fine with this. Any officer who wants to refrain from this action will not have their pronouns listed.
Check to make sure your warrant is in date!
Baronial News
The baronial A&S officer is looking for a replacement. Please contact her if you are interested.
Buckston Birthday
Una has finished up the proposal for a virtual event for Buckston Birthday. The plan is to do our original theme next year and a separate theme for the virtual event. Una will send the request to Simone for approval.
Her Excellency has been approached about doing a court at birthday. She seemed amenable, but is not sure how it would work. We will work with her to make it happen.