Meeting Minutes – April 2023

Thursday, April 27, 2023
Odile -Spruce Pine Lodge
Great parking, no a/c, big fire place, bad kitchen/tiny

Laurel is running tonght’s meeting.
Birthday planning
Sir Walter Planning
Future Events
Baronial Meetings
May Meetings
4 th- Bring what you’re working on
11 th. Wayne does Norse mythology
18th – Odile does dance.
25 th – biz
What is the theme? – Pirates
Pirates, Princess Bride, William Tell
Wayne motioned, Veronica seconded
Odile wants to focus on the history of pirates. Sir Walter Raleigh and his cousin
Sir Francis Drake. Pirates all throughout the Aisan seas. The Mediterranean was
rife with pirates. As folks would try to get to the Silk Road there were Corsairs,
and others.
Favorite pirate jokes – Look into female pirates
Charles is talking about a Persian Feast.
Grace O’Malley
Spruce Pine Lodge – because it’s a city park, if you have alcohol, you have to go
the sheriff and get a permit and the alcohol board. Big parking lot but not much
Una is asking about preferences?
The American Legion – Charles thinks we could put tents in the front for
fighting. Charles showed pictures. The basement is finished and is where the

kitchen is but the dining hall is up stairs. Seems to be in the top two choices.
Schley and Spruce Pine Lodge.
Wayne’s entire reservation about the site is the stairs for the going and down to
serving the food. Can we camp? Yes, and it’s separate. We need a really tight plan
for kitchen and servers. Schley, no liquor.
American Legion, we can afford to provide cover in pavilions.
In favor of American Legion – Veronica motions, Charles second, approved.
Saturday and Sunday – budget can be worked out after details are nailed down.
$15 each/120 – check on chairs and tables
Do we think that planning for 50% more is smart from a financial point.
Sir Walter Raleigh – no good venues yet. Except the dance floor at the American
Legion for dancing.
Charles created the idea for a Duke friendly event as recruiting/new comer.
Charles to close and Veronica seconded.