24 April 2018 Business Meeting
Canton of Buckston-on-Eno
Attending: Jack, Aesa, Una, Tessa, Uberto, Bambi, James, Laura, Veronica – (by phone)
Next chancellery meeting is 20 June
Chancellery field trip to John Neal Bookseller in Greensboro Saturday, 12 May
Alternate meeting space during construction:
K’s Closet is available and free
On the last Tuesday of the month there is a preexisting meeting upstairs so we will need to meet downstairs – bring chairs
Owner moving, if current plan to create a coop is successful we will be grandfathered in; if unsuccessful this location may not work for our alternate location
Veronica and Aesa met with Regional Exchequer and will discuss in detail at next business meeting
– highlights include being up to date with current policies and procedures.
Renaissance Faire Demo:
28 April, 11:00 AM-3:00 PM
Seem to be all set
Veronica will make the shed run
Some pop-ups may be available
Plan to arrive ~08:00 AM for set up with as many as possible by 09:00 AM to set up tents and pop-ups
Bambi will do her coffee
Bardic Hootenanny at Dunston’s following Renn Faire
James presented a plan for University in September
This will be the 100th University for Atlantia
Proposed location is Franklinton, NC high school
James will autocrat
Will cost ~$1000
- Motion for Buckston to co-sponsor for $500 was made, seconded and carried unanimously
Plenty of parking available
School may provide/sell lunch
Tuesday night activities:
1 May: Movie night and tissue flowers
8 May: Outdoor games weather permitting
15 May: Baby shower
22 May: Geography of the Known World
29 May: Business meeting
5 June: Fighting for non-fighters
12 June: Beowulf – Jack will confirm with Gwenifer
19 June: Fabric dying – Cicero