December Calendar:
- 7th Sir Walter Raleigh planning
- 14th Business meeting
- 21st Holiday celebration and gift exchange game – valued at $20 (made or bought or recycled welcome)
- 28th no meeting
Birthday recap:
- 128 registered, 73 pre-registered, $350 profit
- Annais has sent waivers to the secretary
- autocrat paid for Motley crew – asked for partial reimbursement – Exchequer said anything outside of budget not approved, seneschal said maybe next time
- camping – people showed up friday night to camp, helped set up site, Caitrina suggesion that next time do multi-day event have it for whole weekend, Odile said several folks car camped
- Caitrina we could use more space next time, Annais suggested even ground would help
Future event planning:
- recent event planning was a change from the usual process – a different vision was had in the planning process and execution
- Annais said in future will require an autocrat bid for birthday (or any event), site not automatically a breaking breaking point for yea/nay approval, there will be an option to negotiate before approving bids.
- Some advance planning will allow group to know what they are approving.
Unevent: 1st weekend in December
Sir Walter Raleigh:
- need autocrat warranted – Charles volunteers
- event date Feb 10th
- wanted Haw River ballroom but, was booked by another group
- Murphy school deposit already paid for, event spiked, price for venue $650
- in order for event and site to be approved – group needs budget presented and voted – was agreed that because of how late in stage of planning fo event this is that the group would vote on the budget on December 7th
Archery practices: caitrina said she will be able to do some weekends (as opposed to week nights since it gets dark early) as marshal, Annais offered her property (backs up to wooded lot)