- August A & S
- Duke Demo
- Birthday
- Seneschal update
- Caitrina word
August Calendar:
- 3rd – Romani History – Lady Caitrina
- 10th – Pennsic Pity Party – social potluck
- 17th – Norse Mythology – Lord Karl
- 24th – Dance Night – Lady Odile
- 31st – Business meeting
Seneschal update: warrant signed and mailed to all required parties – waiting on confirmation- Annais will resend request for confirmation
Duke Demo:
September 9, 10 am to 4 pm, east side of campus, more room inc indoor space, advertised to 3k alumni, spiked event, not necessary to dress period, dayboard for volunteers only
KASF – Caitrina wanted to put in a bid, but ran out of time – another event bid is apparantely in place.
- tentative MIC – Rufus Barbarosa, will be donating medallions for prizes
- MOL – Dryfinna unless another one is found
- Collecting volunteers atm before delegating roles/jobs
- Phoenix eye postponed – advertising to their canton
- 2 portopotties reserved – inc a handicapped, and a water hand washing station
- vendors invited to merch
- possible thrown weapons – George will visit site along with MIC adb Caitrina (archery)
- map of site discussed: newcomers point using new buckston pavilion, gold key adjacent,
- camping still a possibility – (it was decided after marshal visit site group will resvisit camping option to vote on it), Charles suggested staff can stay at their residence, folks setting up pavilions can sleep in them, Odile probably staying overnight at site (per requirement)
- using steps as seating and covered porch of building for barons and retinue
- possible activities: dance, games, court, A& S competitions
- registration method dsicussed: scores or cognitoforms (as was used for sir walter raleigh ball) Odile preferred scores, Charles says it misses opportunties to give folks options and be user friendly with walkthrough questions.
- Rioghnach (registrar) prefers to begin online registration october 1st – by Sept 1st we’ll know which registration method using.
- Annais asked Charles to inform her in advance of any printed advertising beyond the social media kind that are used by society
Caitrina word:
Caitrina expressed her opinion on tensions from two weeks prior when it was suggested a possible change of venue and the discussion had been heated. She had since done some asking around and learned that prior to this year – our canton had been planning events differently from all other groups in the Kingdom (as a group via consensus vs autocrat solely making decisions).
She expressed her desire to prevent tensions in future by:
- suggesting that it is not strictly up to the canton to host an event (households, other cantons, etc are able to do so) – that if anyone in the group feels uncomfortable with the event that they are not required to sponsor it.
- that we know, in advance of the event, how the autocrat wishes to proceed in planning of the event so that there are not assumptions being made about the planning process.
Everyone’s voice was heard and hugs were shared as the group was able to let go of any residual tensions and move forward without any bad feelings.