Meeting Notes March 22, 2016

Venue: 210 St Mary’s Rd., Hillsborough, NC

Attendance – 19

*Some details have been edited for spelling, grammar, accuracy, clarity, and/or relevance

Items discussed and decisions made:

Demo for the Orange County School system for 4/21 – It was determined that there are not sufficient participants available for the event with the short notice and the time frame required for the participant waivers.  An email is to be sent to Becky Barnett to decline the event participation.  (her contact info [Not released] Trey is her contact for Buckston).

Demo request for the Ren Faire for 4/16 – contact Veronica – Megan Grayson expressed willingness to volunteer a table at the event.  Other members had alternate commitments and no formal demo has been scheduled.  Veronica will get all the information for the event to be given to Megan if she choses to hold an information table.

Diana expressed that she wanted all offices to have deputies and requested volunteers. Response was positive and immediate. Officers and their deputies for Buckston are listed below:

Seneschal – Melissa Farmer (Diana of Windmasters Hill) and deputy Jack Stech

Chatelaine – Trey Carson (Ragnar Holtaskalli)  – Michael Poynter

MOAS Suzanne Stacey (Una Gylðir) and deputy Cicero Stutts (Frixco Hosnath)

Exchequer – Dunsten LeHeynymongere (until October) to be replaced by Veronica Yoshida and deputy Hugh (Uberto di Spina)

Childrens Officers – Trina Carson (Kolfina) and deputy Carolyn Poynter 

Official Buckston Communications: All planning and decision making for Buckston events, gatherings, and business should only take place at meetings and is be announced through WH Announce and the Buckston webpage.  Facebook can be used as a tool to help get event information to members and to the public, but it is not “official”.

Monthly Business Meeting Notes: It was determined that Suzanne  (Una Gylðir) will generate notes to be emailed to Melissa (Diana of Windmasters Hill) to then be published on the Buckston minutes webpage.

Bank Account: Transfer of signatory to Melissa (Diana) for the Buckston bank account from Janice (Tessa) to be done at a future date.

WoW Camp Steward: 

  • After a request for camp stewards was put out by the Baroness Adriana, Jack Stech offered to be point person with the request of Buckston as group stewards for the camp.
  • A unanimous vote decided that Buckston would volunteer to be camp stewards with Jack as point person.  The Baroness had, prior to the meeting, requested the WoW steward to schedule a meeting with past camp stewards in order to get advice and support.  
  • In lieu of retainer positions that Buckston volunteered for at the previous WoW this year we will run camp only. Buckston members will be able to sign up for positions and duties in advance of the war. 
  • Ann official email will be sent to the Baronage by Diana informing them that we are volunteering.
  • Jack will contact the Baronage to discuss Buckston’s participation.  

Buckston Birthday 11/12:

  • Location – Exchange Club of Hillsborough on Exchange Club Rd.
  • Feast bid in from Charles Fleming (mka Brian Towey):  1st Course – Bread, butter and cheese, cold cuts and gluten free pancake, 2nd Course – Chicken, veggies and rice, 3rd Course – grilled beef, greens and roots, 4th Course – fruit dessert – no nuts, no bouillon – $10 per person – hall holds 60 seats
  • A&S Competitions: Mead Competition and Baker’s Dozen Largesse Competition – participants will be asked to make a bakers dozen (13) each of their largesse items. Voting will be done by any attending crowns.  All participants will be able to select one largesse item as a prize, with first prize choosing first, second choosing second, and so forth, leaving the remaining 12 of each item to be donated to their Majesties.  
  • Both competitions to be in main hall
  • Clean up will be Saturday night
  • Sophie the Orange has requested to host a bardic circle after feast
  • Pavilions will be used for royals or fighters
  • Possible archery range – to be inspected for space
  • No lunch will be served this year – many venues are within walking distance
  • a Windlore article and flyer to be published (including no lunch mentioned) – within the next month and two months out from event – Suzanne (Una) to gather bullet points and bring to meeting for approval and then forwarded to Veronica for article writing and then submission.
  • Tokens – Diana suggested that we make them now since we ran out last year. We will need tokens for 130 guests. Suggestions; leather belt holder with snap, leather token with stamp of buck. Megan Grayson volunteered to hold leather class and do tokens for a May largesse A&S night.  
  • Birthday schedule to be published several months out on Buckston’s website, Facebook, and Windmaster’s Hill site so participants know when and where activities will happen
  • There will be a kids activity hosted by Trina and Carolyn in the afternoon

Next Quarter A&S Night Planning:

A list was compiled from members present of A & S class interests.  The list included known instructors willing to lead a class and interests needing an instructor.  Suzanne will reach out to instructors known and fill A&S night slots for the  months of June and July.  April and May A&S nights were filled by members present at the business meeting willing to offer classes. The list of potential teachers are:

  • Period Pigments – Kit (Sajah Bint-Habushun) willing to teach
  • Period leather shoes – Michel Almond de Champagne willing to teach
  • Chain Mail – Charles Fleming
  • Calligraphy
  • Leather Armor
  • Black work and embroidery – Michele Stech
  • Glass beads – Marion Campbell
  • Body forms and pattern making from body forms
  • Heraldry – names and personas – it was suggested that multiple heralds be requested at the meeting to assist research and registration
  • Drum and Instrument night
  • Bardic – Veronica offered Pennsic pile of music to bring
  • Games
  • Canton wall creation
  • Kumihimo – Carolyn
  • Soap making – Stacy
  • Sachets – Michele Stech
  • Ale Brewing – Stacy

April A&S Night Schedule:

4/5 – Give Back Night – Beginning of Silk Banner making for the Canton – this will take three weeks to complete – folks will also be able to bring their own silk to make their own favors or banners o parasols, information will be provided on website and facebook for supplies needed.  

Suzanne to reach out to Jana de Foresta to teach a simultaneous candlemaking class one of the first three weeks of April.

Foks are also be encouraged to bring a project they are working on


5/3 – Stacy to teach Soap Making

5/10 – Carolyn to teach kumihimo

5/17 – Largesse Wax Covers – Michele

5/24 – Leather Belt Tokens – Megan

5/31 – Kids Night – Trina and Carolyn