Buckston Business Meeting
25 March 2021
In attendance: Maria (Bambi), Jennie, Dawn, Annais, Una, Caitrina, Aesa
COVID and Events
- COVID Guidelines for the Kingdom are online – last updated 24 Feb.
We went through the five phases – you can find the document here:
http://atlantia.sca.org/offices/seneschal/reopening-atlantia - Windmasters’ Hill is talking about a “more advanced opening” by the end of May.
- The 2nd half of Ymir (that was going to be at the end of June) has been cancelled. They felt it would be too close to the opening to adequately put anything together.
- Pennsic is still being discussed. They will make a decision in May.
- War of the Wings is still being planned.
Exchequer’s Report
- Money is stable – we haven’t spent anything this month.
- Ríoghnach is now officially the exchequer. She will be getting added to the bank asap. She has all of the physical files.
- Aesa will sign on a deputy exchequer.
A&S and YouTube
- Caitrina suggests we start recording A&S and History classes.
- She got word back from the kingdom that we’d need the standard bullying disclaimer and we’ll need to notify when we start recording so people can turn off cameras if they wish.
Note: Look into what ‘clearance’ we’d need to use material that the teacher didn’t generate.