Buckston-on-Eno Business Meeting
Attendees: Laurel McHone (Seneschal), Suzanne Stacey (deputy Seneschal), Amy Pennachi (Exchequer), Wayne Pennachi, Veronica Yoshida, Ingrid Towey, John Bryce Jr., Benetessa (Minister of Arts in —–)
August meetings:
1. 1st Break/no meeting
2. 8th – Archery at Laurel’s house (or sewing, if raining)
3. 15th – Veronica’s house (A&S banner or lantern kits)
4. 22nd – Business Meeting – Laurel’s house
5. 29th – Finish banner/ lantern kits if not already done (Veronica)
Kingdom/Baronial News:
1. Sensechal still not signatory – need updates to bank accounts
2. No kingdom/baronial events near us in August
3. BoD approved rapier tournament in Kingdom of East
4. Motion made & passed to allow exchequer to transfer canton bank account on account of ridiculousness (unanimous)
Birthday Preparations:
1. Cooks found for all but one meal
2. Still need feast-o-crat
3. Plan to include combat archery if possible
4. Benetessa will be A&S and hall steward:
Competitions and static displays:
– Costume contest – all LotR characters open (populace vote)
– Historical twist costume contest (documentation not necessary)(judge)
– Kids best Hobbit costume (populace vote)
– A&S which realm are you? Elf, man, hobbit, orc (put realm twist on entries)
1. Orcs – poetry
2. Elves – embroidery, calligraphy, art, song
3. Man – fantasy feast kit (what would it look like?)
4. Hobbit – what would pipe look like? Possible funny vegetable competition
5. Dwarves – Jewelry, armor, metal/stone
– Kids – Best Smaug puppet
– Class – flower crowns
5. Trying to find brewers to set up static display
6. Varying guilds have been invited
7. Moore the Merry leading games
8. Odile lead dancing
9. Waiting for news from Honeygirl Meadery
10. Trade/swap-meet tent planned
Fighter Practice:
1. Marshall not present during this meeting
2. Buckston fighter practice will be blended with Kapellenberg rapier for the month of August
5. Sir Walter Raleigh:
1. No news
1. Approval given for Buckston chatelaine to lead the demo/tent
New Business:
1. Motion by Suzanne Stacey to have dedicated Zoom account for Canton ($160 for year)
1. Unanimous approval – motion passed
Agenda for September Business meeting:
1. Set September meetings
2. Review Kingdom/Baronial News
3. Updates on Buckston Birthday 2024
4. Updates on Sir Walter Raleigh Dance 2025
5. Updates on fighter practice
6. New Business