Buckston Business Meeting
25 June 2020
Zoom Meeting
Attending: Aesa, Una, Caitrina, Jennie, Ríoghnach, Bambi
General Info from the Seneschal
COVID Update: Phase 2 is extended to mid-July.
Info coming down from higher SCA levels: No doxxing: you will lose your office, if you have one, and may be kicked out of the SCA.
Birthday Website
Aesa will put up basic registration information (end of Sept.), competition information, etc. Update (see below): we’re now going virtual!
Exchequer’s Report
Current balance is the same: $5,222.14
Una handled both of the checks from last month (signed and sent on).
Chatelaine’s Report
Responded to 5 emails through the local chatelaine’s list.
Budget and planning considerations are difficult to deal with due to the unknowns.
The thought is that if WOW happens, we might not get as many people (we’re three weeks after them.) If we’re in the first wave of events, though, we could get slammed.
We’d have to restructure a lot to be outside, and then we can’t count on the weather.
Caitrina suggested we put out a poll on what people might like to see at a virtual event.
Bambi said they had a 2.5 hour ball at the Italian virtual event. Sort of run like a class. They had musicians (a couple) in one place together. A couple in another place was leading the dancing. Great fun! We could get in touch with Giada Magdalena Alberti to see a video of the ball.
Caitrina reached out to someone else who just ran a virtual event (Kathy Alma, SAAD). She said that a zoom call with her staff and us would be the best way to share information about how to do a virtual event. She will contact them to see if we can get together on a meeting night.
Bambi mentioned that Drea might be able to help with her expertise from running virtual university.
Caitrina motions that we postpose Buckston Birthday Alice in Wonderland event until 2021 and hold a virtual event this year. Una seconds. The motion passes unanimously. Buckston Birthday 2020 will be a virtual event.
Now we need to figure out what our event theme will be. Caitrina suggests going online for brainstorming. Maybe on the kingdom page.
Aesa will cancel the field reservation.
Una will contact Schley Hall and the UHaul folks.
Amy is contacting Charles.
Do we need some sort of permission to have a virtual event? Una will find out and deal with our Spike page as well.
We’ll meet to discuss more next week.