Buckston on Eno
Baronial meeting business was discussed: no museum demo, $500 donated to break contract for 12th Night location, Baronial recommendations are wanted. Ymir gathered $1100 towards the travel fund for the Kingdom. There will be a polling in the fall for a new Baron and Baroness.
Monthly activities were discussed such as mask making, games and birthday planning.
Chancery meeting on March 30th.
Jack will step down at Rowan’s discretion, probably sooner rather than later. Una has offered to step up to Seneschal and will take 101 and 102 at Summer University.
Caitrina will act as Autocrat for Buckston Birthday and polling for new Baron and Baroness will begin in the fall.
We decided to book the The Mabinogion at our April 16th meeting.
The demo at Excelsior was discussed with more detail and things are progressing.
For birthday we have decided that 2 tokens will be needed – one for lunch and one for dinner. There will not be a feast this year but an extended, heartier lunch and a sideboard/dessert after court.
$20 voted acceptable expenses for Chatelaine to print demo supplies
Exchequer’s Report, March 2019
– Aesa’s exchequer warrant came through in February. Caitrina is renewing her warrant as a
deputy / emergency exchequer.
– Official handover & review of books was done at KASF on March 2nd. We have received the
official report back, and will be working on the few action items. The next review of books
will be in 2021 or if we change exchequers, whichever comes first. Anyone who wants to see
the specific action items on the report, please contact Aesa and she’ll send you a copy.
– Ordered dual-signature checks on March 8th through Costco, our lowest-cost option. We
initially approved this order and allocated funds in 2018. Final cost for the checks was
$21.79 for a book of 150, which will last us for years.
– We verified with Lord Fedor Turovsyn, who did our review of books, that we can set up the
bank account so that we have electronic *viewing* access to the account. That is now set
– Mailing address is changed on the account.