24 July 2018 Business Meeting
Canton of Buckston-on-Eno
Attending: Jack, Veronica, Aesa, Tessa, Uberto, James, Una, Laura, Brett
- We are meeting upstairs while the building is undergoing renovation
- Discussed getting our own (Canton) domain name and website host after continuing problems with Kingdom website administration
- The cost would be ~$100/year for domain name and hosting
- A motion was made in favor of getting our own Canton domain name and host, provided in compliance with SCA, Kingdom and Baronial governing policies. Motion was seconded and carried
- We will review policies and make inquiries as needed to determine if this is allowable
- Discussion of the proposes Canton financial policy; Caitrina and Aesa will incorporate the agreed upon edits and we will revisit at the August business meeting
- We are balanced, there are no outstanding checks
- Report submitted
- Seneschal signed the statement
- We have $4712.18 as of June 30
Baronial Meeting:
- His Excellency attended
- There will be an inventory of the Baronial Shed the weekend after War of the Wings
- There is a call for Baronial awards for Pennsic
- There will be a retainer gathering point at Pennsic and donations for “retainer pouches” are being solicited
- Ymir will be at the same place as last year
- Vikings vs Russians
- Rowan is Autocrat
- November Winter War will also be at the Ymir location
- Discussions begun about purchasing a Barony Pennsic tent rather than renting and tent and releasing the “Pennsic” storage unit in favor of a trailer
Buckston Birthday 2018:
- Gaelen needs a headcount and ideas
- Estimating $800 to cover 80 meals; this includes comps for high table
- We will request a budget from Gaelen
- Budget very near to last year’s budget
- Site rental is more – $750 this year
- Propane will be a separate line item
- We may need to rent tables for feast
- NOTE: Final birthday budget was approved at the 31 July meeting
- There will be a lunch tavern fund raiser
- Vendors are welcome – this should be noted on the website
- There will not be a formal A&S competition, more of “show and tell”
- There will be fighting, we will try to include archery but will need a Marshall
- We have supplies for “make your own shields” for kid’s activity
- Veronica will oversee lunch
- Fundraiser, the funds will belong to Buckston
- Suggested cost of $5
- We will not have access to the school kitchen but may be able to use the culinary lab
- Will be a served buffet
- Modern palate food, not period
- Need gate volunteers
- This is a free event
- Discussions are underway to see if this can be officially a Demo event which would allow the school’s (venue) students to attend without a waiver
- No weapons, no alcohol, no fire
- There will be a designated clean-up crew; “before” photos will be taken of each room
Tuesday Night Activities:
- 7 August: Pennsic Pity Party
- 14 Aug: Movie night – Horrible Histories
- 21 August: Fabric Dyeing
- 28 August: Business Meeting